Supplier Directory offers a list of suppliers classified according to product categories. Suppliers are searchable by keyword of product description or company name. Buyers can view detail information and access to product showroom posted by suppliers in e-Catalog.
Trade Safe Online is the most important aspect of the company's philosophy, we offer ESCROW payment and STRC recognition services, building a safe trading environment for online users.
The Trade Network magazine is specially designed for electronic components purchasers. It gives information of hundreds of our suppliers and their products, distributing at international trade shows.
Issued every Spring and Fall in both online and print format, the printed Trade Network is mailed directly to HKinventory members worldwide. Coinciding with major industry exhibitions each year, the publication is also distributed in person to targeted exhibit attendees.
STRC membership gives your company something extra. Your customers will know that your business values credibility. Gold tag member can place a "STRC Member of" logo onto their online marketing material to increase recognition.
D/D connectors Fiber-optic connectors Flat cable connectors High-voltage connectors IC-card connectors LAN connectors Multipole connectors Power connectors RCA connectors Underwater connectors Vaccum connectors Connectors General purpose diodes Special purpose diodes General purpose transistors Special purpose transistors Rectifiers MOSFETs Thyristors Power transistors RF transistors Small signal transistors Vacuum tubes Zener diodes