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Our new customer services center at Shenzhen SEG Electronics Market becomes the first focal tactic after the 6th anniversary. HKI is the initial electronics components trading online platform to have customer services center.
A trading hub for
brokers, merchandisers and distributors to trade all kinds of electronic components, including semiconductors, passive components, obsolete and hard-to-find parts.
Consumer ICs Hybrid ICs Line driver/controller ICs Microwave ICs Power conversion/management ICs ASICs DRAM ICs Logic ICs Other memory ICs Product management tools Wire cuttors/strippers Production tools Analog mixed signal ICs Processors CPU ICs SRAM ICs VRAM ICs Fax/modem/voice ICs chipsets Computer ICs chipsets Controller ICs Data communications (ISDN xDSL) ICs Digital communications ICs Digital special function ICs ICs chipsets Flash memory