We also have product ads displayed on the main pages of our
Supplier Directory. This is a great way to reach your target customers and letting them find you.
Supplier Directory, users can manage their own online product showrooms called e-Catalogs. The e-Catalog allows subscribers to directly manage their web-based product catalog with up-to-date product information.
Our Top 10 List will be advertised on our homepage during the upcoming season. As a featured company, buyers will be linked directly to you.
To serve our customers personally at the most convenience place and broaden communication channel for customers, we set up the customer services center. Customers are welcome to enquire our products and services at the centre. Shenzhen SEG is located at the Hua Qiang area of Shenzhen that surrounded by famed electronics trading centers and SEG also places a leading position for the China electronics trading market.
Free Access to thousands of
electronic components manufacturers and suppliers in Asia.
Consumer ICs Hybrid ICs Line driver/controller ICs Microwave ICs Power conversion/management ICs ASICs DRAM ICs Logic ICs Other memory ICs Product management tools Wire cuttors/strippers Production tools Analog mixed signal ICs Processors CPU ICs SRAM ICs VRAM ICs Fax/modem/voice ICs chipsets Computer ICs chipsets Controller ICs Data communications (ISDN xDSL) ICs Digital communications ICs Digital special function ICs ICs chipsets Flash memory