Do keep in mind that it is the Seller's responsibility to render the Escrow charges should the order default due to non-delivery. Please double-check your stock availability and the condition of your goods before committing to a contract.
If the existing stock does not fulfill your needs, you can
post your requirements online, and our suppliers will contact you directly and send you a quotation.
You may continue using basic buying services on our trading platform as a Trial Member. Please note that access to our comprehensive services is only limited to paid members only.
To search for multiple parts at the same time, go into 'Advanced Search' , click the 'Multi-Part Search' box on the bottom and separate each part number with a line break.
Because STRC members have taken the necessary steps to have their business references and in-stock items verified, buyers are strongly recommended to purchase from our
certified suppliers.
Rocker switches Slide switches Hookswitches Keyboard switches Keylock switches Leaf switches Lever switches Membrane switches Mercury switches Micro miniature switches Power switches Reed switches Tactile switches Toggle switches Touchscreen panels Switches Frequency counters Lux meters Multimeters (analog, digital) Battery checkers testers Breadboards EMI filters LAN filters Ceramic resonators