is strictly a B2B
trading platform, offering third party trading and payment services to our members. Keep in mind that we do not buy or sell electronic parts. You should never receive any quotations and RFQs directly from us. strives to offer a
secure and credible marketplace for electronic component industry, therefore we gather reports received from our members to expose the reported companies, to protect companies against fraud, lost revenue, and dishonest business practices.
As a buyer, you can expand your business network without traveling round the world. You can post requirements and our suppliers will contact you, shortening your
procurement process. You can also take advantage of our daily outgoing RFQ and quotation emails. You can place your banner ad in our emails and receive up to a stunning 145,000 impressions per day!
To help minimize fraudulent activities online, we would like to encourage our members to use our Escrow service, which significantly
reduces the risk of fraud. We are now pleased to launch a special Escrow Fee promotion.
E-Catalog integrates search function to your excess stock in
Stock Trading Center, offering you a total web solution.
Cabinets cases Knobs handles Lead pins Lead frames Metal cans Rollers Screws fasteners Shrinkable tubes Snap domes Springs Stamped metal parts Metal plastic parts Control cards CPU coprocessor cards Fax cards Cards LAN Cards Memory cards Modem cards Muti-media cards Smart cards CCTV lenses modules Mice/Trackballs/Touchpads AD/DA modules